What Is Your Skin Type?
Dry skin have lack of moisture and oil and therefore, they produce less sebum and have smaller pores. The skin feels very dry and dehydrated after cleansing and can have dry patches on the skin. When patting blotting paper on the skin, there is no oil remaining. Lastly, dry skin is prone to causing more noticeable wrinkles.
- Cleanse your skin less often.
- Use a humidifier
- Don't shower or bathe too long
- Immediately apply skincare after cleansing
- Use cream type moisturizer instead gel type
Oily skin produce more sebum which is likely to produce more acne compared to other skin types. The T-Zone areas are always oily with noticeably enlarged pores. Because the skin produces too much oil, the makeup does not last long and tense to wear off by mid day. Oily skin uses blotting paper more often including in the winter.
- Exfoliate regularly
- Try to use ingredients such as glycolic and salicylic acid
- Use gel-type moisturizer
- Embrace blotting paper
- Avoid oil infused ingredients
Combination skin are both dry and oily. Usually the T-Zone is oily and the U-Zone is dry. During the summer, they produce more oil in the T-Zone and in the winter, the U-Zone is very dry. After cleansing, you can see oil in only certain parts of the face. Your pores are larger on your nose than on your cheeks.
- Do not use oil stripping cleansers
- Use gel type cream
- Apply additional eye cream on dry spots
- Apply hydrating toner
- Apply blotting paper only on T-Zone areas.